The history of Ukrainian head wreath

The history of Ukrainian head wreath
It was made of herbs and flowers, decorated with colorful ribbons and had a magical meaning. The Ukrainian wreath is one of the oldest symbols of our country. This ancient ethnic ornament underlies the national identity of Ukrainians. It is impossible to imagine a Ukrainian woman without a bright wreath on her head.

The wreath was first mentioned during the Sumerian culture - XII-III centuries. B.C.Descendants of the Sumerians, representatives of the culture of string pottery, left the next generation many symbols, including the mythical sign of the goddess Inanna - Ishtar, meaning "clear sky". It consists of a wreath - a circle and a ribbon woven into it, which creates two ends, as well as a six-pointed star in the center. The same sign is depicted on the sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise in Sophia of Kyiv (XII century). Researchers believe that the Ukrainian wreath is a simplified sign of Inanna, like a wish for a peaceful, clear sky over the head of the wearer, protected from evil forces and misfortune.

In ancient times, the wreath was considered a symbol of happiness and talent. Winners were crowned with it, speakers wore it during speeches, and sacred objects were decorated with it.

Our ancestors knew the main part of a human body, is the head, as it feels the world and influences it. So they created wreaths to protect the head from witchcraft and bad spells. Not surprisingly, Woman-Goddess wears a floral headcrown in ancient images.

The choice, colors combination and arrangement of ribbons in the wreath is extremely interesting. The flowered head of the young girl could be decorated with ribbons of 12 colors. Each of them served the beauty as a healer and a talisman, protecting her hair from evil eyes.

The ribbons were chosen according to the length of the girl's hair and made them a little longer than the braid to hide her among the vibrant colors.

The traditions of weaving the Ukrainian wreath date back to antiquity.

This colorful talisman has always been woven with special care and love, because the basis of the Ukrainian wreath is love for nature, respect for the native land.

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